CVD 0.8
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
CVD Namespace Reference

All classes and functions are within the CVD namespace. More...


namespace  ColourSpace
namespace  Exceptions
namespace  ImageError
namespace  Interpolate
namespace  ImageType
namespace  Morphology
namespace  VideoBufferFlags
namespace  VFB
namespace  SGI
namespace  DC
namespace  DV3
namespace  V4L1


class  Argb
 A colour consisting of red, green, blue and alpha components. More...
class  Bgrx
 A colour consisting of red, green, blue and dummy components, in the order bgr dummy in memory. More...
class  Brezenham
 Class to implement the Bresenham line-drawing algorithm. More...
class  Brezenham8
 Class to implement the Bresenham line-drawing algorithm. More...
struct  IsConvertible< yuv411, Rgb< byte > >
struct  IsConvertible< yuv411, byte >
struct  IsConvertible< yuv422, Rgb< byte > >
struct  IsConvertible< yuv422, byte >
struct  IsConvertible< bayer_bggr, byte >
struct  IsConvertible< bayer_grbg, byte >
struct  IsConvertible< bayer_gbrg, byte >
struct  IsConvertible< bayer_rggb, byte >
struct  IsConvertible< bayer_bggr, Rgb< byte > >
struct  IsConvertible< bayer_grbg, Rgb< byte > >
struct  IsConvertible< bayer_gbrg, Rgb< byte > >
struct  IsConvertible< bayer_rggb, Rgb< byte > >
struct  IsConvertible< bayer_bggr16, unsigned short >
struct  IsConvertible< bayer_grbg16, unsigned short >
struct  IsConvertible< bayer_gbrg16, unsigned short >
struct  IsConvertible< bayer_rggb16, unsigned short >
struct  IsConvertible< bayer_bggr16, Rgb< unsigned short > >
struct  IsConvertible< bayer_grbg16, Rgb< unsigned short > >
struct  IsConvertible< bayer_gbrg16, Rgb< unsigned short > >
struct  IsConvertible< bayer_rggb16, Rgb< unsigned short > >
struct  IsConvertible< bayer_bggr16be, unsigned short >
struct  IsConvertible< bayer_grbg16be, unsigned short >
struct  IsConvertible< bayer_gbrg16be, unsigned short >
struct  IsConvertible< bayer_rggb16be, unsigned short >
struct  IsConvertible< bayer_bggr16be, Rgb< unsigned short > >
struct  IsConvertible< bayer_grbg16be, Rgb< unsigned short > >
struct  IsConvertible< bayer_gbrg16be, Rgb< unsigned short > >
struct  IsConvertible< bayer_rggb16be, Rgb< unsigned short > >
class  ColourspaceFrame
 A frame from a ColourspaceBuffer. Can be treated as a VideoFrame. More...
class  ColourspaceBuffer
 A decorator class which wraps a VideoBuffer to perfrom colourspace conversion on the incoming data. More...
class  ColourspaceBuffer_managed
 This is just like ColourspaceBuffer, except it deleted the videobuffer on destruction. More...
struct  bayer_bggr
 Bayer datatype representing the colour filter pattern BGGR. More...
struct  bayer_gbrg
 Bayer datatype representing the colour filter pattern GBRG. More...
struct  bayer_grbg
 Bayer datatype representing the colour filter pattern GRBG. More...
struct  bayer_rggb
 Bayer datatype representing the colour filter pattern RGGB. More...
struct  bayer_bggr16
 16 bit Bayer datatype representing the colour filter pattern BGGR More...
struct  bayer_gbrg16
 16bit Bayer datatype representing the colour filter pattern GBRG More...
struct  bayer_grbg16
 16bit Bayer datatype representing the colour filter pattern GRBG More...
struct  bayer_rggb16
 16bit Bayer datatype representing the colour filter pattern RGGB More...
struct  bayer_bggr16be
 16 bit big endian Bayer datatype representing the colour filter pattern BGGR More...
struct  bayer_gbrg16be
 16bit big endian Bayer datatype representing the colour filter pattern GBRG More...
struct  bayer_grbg16be
 16bit big endian Bayer datatype representing the colour filter pattern GRBG More...
struct  bayer_rggb16be
 16bit big endian Bayer datatype representing the colour filter pattern RGGB More...
struct  yuv411
 A datatype to represent yuv411 (uyyvyy) data, typically from firewire cameras. More...
struct  yuv422
 A datatype to represent yuv422 (yuyv) data. More...
struct  yuv420p
 A datatype to represent yuv420p (yy...u...v) data. More...
struct  vuy422
 A datatype to represent the other yuv422 (uyvy) data. More...
struct  GetPixelRowTyped
struct  GetPixelRowTyped< T, T >
struct  CastCopy
struct  CastCopy< T, T >
struct  ConvolveMiddle
struct  ConvolveMiddle< T, N, 1 >
struct  ConvolveMiddle< T,-1, 1 >
struct  ConvolveMiddle< T,-1, C >
struct  ConvolveMiddle< T, 0, 1 >
struct  DeinterlaceBufferFields
 A decorator class which wraps a VideoBuffer to return fields instead of the original frames (see also DeinterlaceFrame). More...
class  DeinterlaceBuffer
class  DeinterlaceFrame
 A frame from a DeinterlaceBuffer, representing one field from an interlaced frame. More...
class  DiskBuffer2
 Play a series of image files as a video stream. More...
class  DiskBuffer2Frame
 A frame from a DiskBuffer2. More...
struct  color
 traits type defining colors for pixel types More...
struct  color< T, 1 >
 traits type defining colors for pixel types. More...
struct  color< T, 3 >
 traits type defining colors for pixel types. More...
struct  ESMResult
 Result class storing some information about the optimization. More...
class  Homography
 a generic implementation for 2D homography-based transformations parameterized by a 3x3 matrix with determinant == 1. More...
class  HomographyPrefix
 This class provides a generic 2D homography transformation, but also applies a fixed transformation on the input pixel locations. More...
class  CameraRotation
 a special implementation for 2D homography-based transformations described as a camera rotating around its centre. More...
class  StaticAppearance
 Basic appearance model implementing no change in the image. More...
class  OffsetAppearance
 Simple appearance model that assumes a constant offset in the intensities of the image vs. More...
class  BlurAppearance
 Blur appearance model that assumes that the input image was subject to blur. More...
class  ESMEstimator
 The main class for the ESM module. More...
class  RotationEstimator
 a specialization of ESMEstimator for pure camera rotation only. More...
class  EventObject
 Encapsulation of a condition variable and its boolean condition. More...
class  GLWindow
 An object that creates a window and a GL context attached to that window, and manages its events. More...
class  ConstSubImageIterator
class  SubImageIterator
class  SubImage
 A generic image class to manage a block of arbitrarily padded data as an image. More...
class  BasicImage
 A generic image class to manage a block of data as an image. More...
class  ImageCreationIterator
 An input iterator which just returns N copies of the same value over and over again. More...
class  Image
 A full image which manages its own data. More...
struct  ConvertImage
struct  ConvertImage< T, T, Pixel::GenericConversion< T, T >, 1 >
struct  ConvertImage< Rgb< byte >, byte, Pixel::CIE< Rgb< byte >, byte >, 1 >
struct  IsConvertible
 Can two types be converted with CVD::convert_image? More...
struct  PixelByPixelConvertible
 Can individual pixels of two types be converted with ConvertPixels::convert()? E.g. More...
struct  PixelByPixelConvertible< InOut, InOut >
 Identity conversion by memcpy is always supported. More...
class  image_interpolate
 This is a generic interpolation class which wraps in image and provides a similar interface for floating point pixel positions. More...
class  ImageRef
 An (x,y) image co-ordinate. More...
struct  RobustI
 Robust reweighting (type I) for IRLS. More...
struct  RobustII
 Robust reweighting (type II) for IRLS. More...
struct  ILinear
 A reweighting class representing no reweighting in IRLS. More...
class  IRLS
 Performs iterative reweighted least squares. More...
class  La
 A colour consisting of luminance and alpha components. More...
class  LocalVideoBuffer
 Base class for a VideoBuffer which manages its own memory for each VideoFrame that it provides. More...
class  LocalVideoFrame
 A frame from a LocalVideoBuffer, which manages its own data rather than wrapping data owned by the system. More...
class  MessageQueue
 This class provides a simple, thread safe FIFO message queue. More...
class  NoCopy
 Conveniently block the copy constructor and assignment operator of subclasses. More...
class  ReadAheadVideoBuffer
 Decorator video buffer that preloads frames asynchronously in a separate thread. More...
class  Rgb
 A colour consisting of red, green and blue components. More...
struct  Rgb8
 A 32-bit colour. More...
class  Rgba
 A colour consisting of red, green, blue and alpha components. More...
class  RingBuffer
 Implements a ringbuffer based on std::vector. More...
class  Runnable
 This is an abstract base class for anything with a run() method. More...
class  RunnableBatch
 This class provides a simple job manager for tasks derived from CVD:Runnable. More...
class  ServerPushJpegBuffer
 Play a server push stream as a video stream. More...
class  ServerPushJpegFrame
class  Synchronized
 A Synchronized object encapsulates a basic mutex. More...
class  Lock
 A utility class for locking and unlocking Synchronized objects automatically. More...
class  Thread
 The Thread class encapsulates a thread of execution. More...
class  TimedDiskBuffer
 Play a series of image files as a video stream and use a list of provided timestamps. More...
class  cvd_timer
 Provides the time elapsed in seconds. More...
class  SimpleTimer
 Provides a simple timer class which uses cvd_timer internally. More...
struct  ZeroPixel
struct  ZeroPixel< T, true >
struct  ZeroPixels
struct  ZeroPixels< T, true >
struct  SumSquaredDifferences
struct  VideoBufferType
 The semsntics of the videobuffer. See VideoFrame::type() More...
class  RawVideoBuffer
 Base class which provides untyped access to video grabber objects. More...
class  VideoBuffer
 Base class for objects which provide a typed video stream. More...
class  VideoBufferWithData
 Certain video buffers, especially the decorator classes, and buffers such as ServerPushJpegBuffer have additional data with the same lifetime as the buffer. More...
class  VideoDisplay
 A cheap and cheerful GL display window using X and the GLX library. More...
class  VideoFileBuffer
 A video buffer to play frames from a video file. More...
class  VideoFileFrame
 A frame from a VideoFileBuffer. More...
class  VideoFrame
 A frame from a VideoBuffer. More...
struct  ParseException
struct  VideoSourceException
struct  VideoSource
struct  makeJPEGStream
struct  makeJPEGStream< T, false >
struct  makeDeinterlaceBuffer
struct  makeDeinterlaceBuffer< T, 0 >
struct  MakeConverter
struct  MakeConverter< Out, In, false >
struct  MakeConverter< T, T, true >
struct  makeDiskBuffer2
struct  makeDiskBuffer2< T, false >
struct  multiplyBy
 a functor multiplying pixels with constant value. More...
struct  Gradient< S, T, 1, 2 >
struct  YC
class  O2Buffer
 A video buffer to play live video on an SGI O2. More...
class  O2VideoFrame
 A frame from an O2Buffer. More...
class  DVBuffer2
 A video buffer from a Firewire (IEEE 1394) camera. More...
class  DVBuffer3
 A video buffer from a Firewire (IEEE 1394) camera. More...
class  DVFrame
 A frame from a Firewire (IEEE 1394) camera via DVBuffer2. More...
class  V4L1Buffer
 A video buffer from a v4l1 video device. More...
class  V4L1Frame
 A frame from a V4L1Buffer. More...
struct  V4L2_Traits< unsigned char >
struct  V4L2_Traits< CVD::YC >
class  V4L2Buffer_Base
 A live video buffer from a the framegrabber (using the Video for Linux 2 API). More...
class  V4L2BufferT
class  V4L2FrameT
 A frame from a V4L2Buffer This is an 8-bit greyscale video frame. More...
class  V4LBuffer
 A live video buffer which uses the Video for Linux 2 (V4L2) API. More...
class  V4LControl
 exposes the V4L2 API to set parameters on a capture device. More...
struct  Less
struct  Greater


typedef Brezenham Bresenham
typedef Brezenham8 Bresenham8
typedef unsigned char byte
typedef bayer_bggr bayer
typedef DVBuffer2< byteDVBuffer
typedef V4L1Buffer< byteV4L1BufferByte
typedef V4L2BufferT< unsigned
char > 
typedef V4L2FrameT< unsigned char > V4L2Frame


enum  TEXT_STYLE {
  FILL = 0, OUTLINE = 1, NICE = 2, FILL = 0,
  OUTLINE = 1, NICE = 2
enum  TEXT_STYLE {
  FILL = 0, OUTLINE = 1, NICE = 2, FILL = 0,
  OUTLINE = 1, NICE = 2
enum  V4L2BufferBlockMethod { V4L2BBMselect, V4L2BBMsleep, V4L2BBMchew }


template<class T >
abs (T t)
unsigned char abs (unsigned char b)
unsigned short abs (unsigned short u)
unsigned int abs (unsigned int u)
unsigned long abs (unsigned long u)
void convert_image (const BasicImage< bayer_bggr > &from, BasicImage< byte > &to)
void convert_image (const BasicImage< bayer_grbg > &from, BasicImage< byte > &to)
void convert_image (const BasicImage< bayer_gbrg > &from, BasicImage< byte > &to)
void convert_image (const BasicImage< bayer_rggb > &from, BasicImage< byte > &to)
void convert_image (const BasicImage< bayer_bggr > &from, BasicImage< Rgb< byte > > &to)
void convert_image (const BasicImage< bayer_grbg > &from, BasicImage< Rgb< byte > > &to)
void convert_image (const BasicImage< bayer_gbrg > &from, BasicImage< Rgb< byte > > &to)
void convert_image (const BasicImage< bayer_rggb > &from, BasicImage< Rgb< byte > > &to)
void convert_image (const BasicImage< bayer_bggr16 > &from, BasicImage< unsigned short > &to)
void convert_image (const BasicImage< bayer_grbg16 > &from, BasicImage< unsigned short > &to)
void convert_image (const BasicImage< bayer_gbrg16 > &from, BasicImage< unsigned short > &to)
void convert_image (const BasicImage< bayer_rggb16 > &from, BasicImage< unsigned short > &to)
void convert_image (const BasicImage< bayer_bggr16 > &from, BasicImage< Rgb< unsigned short > > &to)
void convert_image (const BasicImage< bayer_grbg16 > &from, BasicImage< Rgb< unsigned short > > &to)
void convert_image (const BasicImage< bayer_gbrg16 > &from, BasicImage< Rgb< unsigned short > > &to)
void convert_image (const BasicImage< bayer_rggb16 > &from, BasicImage< Rgb< unsigned short > > &to)
void convert_image (const BasicImage< bayer_bggr16be > &from, BasicImage< unsigned short > &to)
void convert_image (const BasicImage< bayer_grbg16be > &from, BasicImage< unsigned short > &to)
void convert_image (const BasicImage< bayer_gbrg16be > &from, BasicImage< unsigned short > &to)
void convert_image (const BasicImage< bayer_rggb16be > &from, BasicImage< unsigned short > &to)
void convert_image (const BasicImage< bayer_bggr16be > &from, BasicImage< Rgb< unsigned short > > &to)
void convert_image (const BasicImage< bayer_grbg16be > &from, BasicImage< Rgb< unsigned short > > &to)
void convert_image (const BasicImage< bayer_gbrg16be > &from, BasicImage< Rgb< unsigned short > > &to)
void convert_image (const BasicImage< bayer_rggb16be > &from, BasicImage< Rgb< unsigned short > > &to)
void convert_image (const BasicImage< yuv411 > &from, BasicImage< Rgb< byte > > &to)
void convert_image (const BasicImage< yuv411 > &from, BasicImage< byte > &to)
void convert_image (const BasicImage< yuv422 > &from, BasicImage< Rgb< byte > > &to)
void convert_image (const BasicImage< yuv422 > &from, BasicImage< byte > &to)
std::pair< Image< byte >
, Image< Rgb< byte > > > 
convert_image_pair (const BasicImage< yuv411 > &from)
void convert_image (const BasicImage< vuy422 > &from, BasicImage< Rgb< byte > > &to)
void convert_image (const BasicImage< vuy422 > &from, BasicImage< byte > &to)
void connected_components (const std::vector< ImageRef > &v, std::vector< std::vector< ImageRef > > &r)
template<class T >
gaussianKernel (std::vector< T > &k, T maxval, double stddev)
template<class S , class T >
scaleKernel (const std::vector< S > &k, std::vector< T > &scaled, T maxval)
template<class T >
void convolveGaussian5_1 (BasicImage< T > &I)
template<class T >
void convolveWithBox (const BasicImage< T > &I, BasicImage< T > &J, ImageRef hwin)
template<class T >
void convolveWithBox (const BasicImage< T > &I, BasicImage< T > &J, int hwin)
template<class T >
void convolveWithBox (BasicImage< T > &I, int hwin)
template<class T >
void convolveWithBox (BasicImage< T > &I, ImageRef hwin)
template<class T , int A, int B, int C>
void convolveSymmetric (Image< T > &I)
template<class T , int A, int B, int C, int D>
void convolveSymmetric (Image< T > &I)
template<class T , class K >
void convolveSeparableSymmetric (Image< T > &I, const std::vector< K > &kernel, K divisor)
template<class A , class B >
const B * getPixelRowTyped (const A *row, int n, B *rowbuf)
template<class T , class S >
void cast_copy (const T *from, S *to, int count)
template<class T , class S >
const T * convolveMiddle (const T *input, const S &factor, const S *kernel, int ksize, int n, T *output)
template<class T >
void convolveGaussian (BasicImage< T > &I, double sigma, double sigmas=3.0)
template<class T >
void convolveGaussian (const BasicImage< T > &I, BasicImage< T > &out, double sigma, double sigmas=3.0)
void compute_van_vliet_b (double sigma, double b[])
void compute_triggs_M (const double b[], double M[][3])
void van_vliet_blur (const double b[], const SubImage< float > in, SubImage< float > out)
void convolveGaussian (const BasicImage< float > &I, BasicImage< float > &out, double sigma, double sigmas=3.0)
void convolveGaussian_fir (const BasicImage< float > &I, BasicImage< float > &out, double sigma, double sigmas=3.0)
template<class T , class O , class K >
void convolve_gaussian_3 (const BasicImage< T > &I, BasicImage< O > &out, K k1, K k2)
void enableFPE ()
template<int I>
void prefetch (const void *ptr)
std::vector< std::string > globlist (const std::string &gl)
template<class T >
void drawLine (SubImage< T > &im, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, const T &c)
template<class T >
void drawLine (SubImage< T > &im, const ImageRef &p1, const ImageRef &p2, const T &c)
template<class T >
void drawLine (SubImage< T > &im, const TooN::Vector< 2 > &p1, const TooN::Vector< 2 > &p2, const T &c)
template<class T >
void drawShape (SubImage< T > &im, const ImageRef &offset, const std::vector< ImageRef > &points, const T &c)
template<class T , class PointIterator >
void drawShape (Image< T > &im, const ImageRef &offset, PointIterator begin, PointIterator end, const T &c)
template<class T >
void drawBox (SubImage< T > &im, const ImageRef &upperleft, const ImageRef &lowerright, const T &c)
template<class T >
void drawCross (SubImage< T > &im, const ImageRef &p, double len, const T &c)
std::vector< ImageRefgetCircle (int radius)
std::vector< ImageRefgetDisc (float radius)
std::vector< ImageRefgetSolidEllipse (float r1, float r2, float theta)
template<class S , class T , class U >
void joinImages (const Image< S > &a, const Image< T > &b, Image< U > &J)
template<class S , class T , class U >
void combineImages (const Image< S > &a, const Image< T > &b, Image< U > &out, const ImageRef &dst=ImageRef_zero, ImageRef size=ImageRef(), const ImageRef &from=ImageRef_zero)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const ESMResult &r)
template<typename P >
TooN::Matrix< 3, 3, P > scaleHomography (const TooN::Matrix< 3, 3, P > &H, const P &f)
template<int PARAMS>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Homography< PARAMS > &t)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const StaticAppearance &t)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const OffsetAppearance &t)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const BlurAppearance &t)
void fast_nonmax (const BasicImage< byte > &im, const std::vector< ImageRef > &corners, int barrier, std::vector< ImageRef > &max_corners)
void fast_nonmax_with_scores (const BasicImage< byte > &im, const std::vector< ImageRef > &corners, int barrier, std::vector< std::pair< ImageRef, int > > &max_corners)
void fast_corner_detect_7 (const BasicImage< byte > &im, std::vector< ImageRef > &corners, int barrier)
void fast_corner_score_7 (const SubImage< byte > &i, const std::vector< ImageRef > &corners, int b, std::vector< int > &scores)
void fast_corner_detect_8 (const BasicImage< byte > &im, std::vector< ImageRef > &corners, int barrier)
void fast_corner_score_8 (const SubImage< byte > &i, const std::vector< ImageRef > &corners, int b, std::vector< int > &scores)
void fast_corner_detect_9 (const BasicImage< byte > &im, std::vector< ImageRef > &corners, int barrier)
void fast_corner_score_9 (const SubImage< byte > &i, const std::vector< ImageRef > &corners, int b, std::vector< int > &scores)
void fast_corner_detect_9_nonmax (const BasicImage< byte > &im, std::vector< ImageRef > &max_corners, int barrier)
void fast_corner_detect_10 (const BasicImage< byte > &im, std::vector< ImageRef > &corners, int barrier)
void fast_corner_score_10 (const SubImage< byte > &i, const std::vector< ImageRef > &corners, int b, std::vector< int > &scores)
void fast_corner_detect_11 (const BasicImage< byte > &im, std::vector< ImageRef > &corners, int barrier)
void fast_corner_score_11 (const SubImage< byte > &i, const std::vector< ImageRef > &corners, int b, std::vector< int > &scores)
void fast_corner_detect_12 (const BasicImage< byte > &im, std::vector< ImageRef > &corners, int barrier)
void fast_corner_score_12 (const SubImage< byte > &i, const std::vector< ImageRef > &corners, int b, std::vector< int > &scores)
void glVertex (const ImageRef &i)
void glTexCoord (const ImageRef &i)
void glRasterPos (const ImageRef &i)
void glRect (const ImageRef &p, const ImageRef &q)
void glVertex (const TooN::Vector< 2 > &v)
void glVertex (const TooN::Vector< 3 > &v)
void glVertex (const TooN::Vector< 4 > &v)
void glTexCoord (const TooN::Vector< 2 > &v)
void glTexCoord (const TooN::Vector< 3 > &v)
void glTexCoord (const TooN::Vector< 4 > &v)
void glRect (const TooN::Vector< 2 > &p, const TooN::Vector< 2 > &q)
void glRasterPos (const TooN::Vector< 2 > &v)
void glRasterPos (const TooN::Vector< 3 > &v)
void glRasterPos (const TooN::Vector< 4 > &v)
void glNormal (const TooN::Vector< 3 > &n)
void glTranslate (const ImageRef &v)
template<int N>
void glTranslate (const TooN::Vector< N > &v)
void glTranslate (const TooN::Vector< 2 > &v)
void glTranslate (const TooN::Vector< 1 > &v)
template<int N, class P , class A >
void glMultMatrix (const TooN::Matrix< N, N, P, A > &m)
template<class P , class A >
void glMultMatrix (const TooN::Matrix< 3, 3, P, A > &m)
template<class P , class A >
void glMultMatrix (const TooN::Matrix< 2, 2, P, A > &m)
template<typename P >
void glMultMatrix (const TooN::SO3< P > &so3)
template<typename P >
void glMultMatrix (const TooN::SE3< P > &se3)
template<typename P >
void glMultMatrix (const TooN::SO2< P > &so2)
template<typename P >
void glMultMatrix (const TooN::SE2< P > &se2)
void glOrtho (const CVD::ImageRef &size, const double nearPlane=-1.0, const double farPlane=1.0)
void glOrtho (const TooN::Vector< 6 > &param)
template<typename P , typename A >
void glFrustum (const TooN::Vector< 4, P, A > &params, double width, double height, double nearPlane=0.1, double farPlane=100)
template<class CAMERA >
void glFrustum (const CAMERA &camera, double width, double height, double nearPlane=0.1, double farPlane=100)
void glFrustum (const TooN::Vector< 6 > &param)
void glColor (const TooN::Vector< 3 > &v)
void glColor (const TooN::Vector< 4 > &v)
void glClearColor (const TooN::Vector< 4 > &v)
void glClearColor (const TooN::Vector< 3 > &v)
void glColor (const TooN::Vector<-1 > &v)
template<class P1 , class P2 >
void glLine (const P1 &x1, const P2 &x2)
template<class C >
void glVertex (const C &list)
void glColor (const CVD::Rgb< byte > &c)
void glColor (const CVD::Rgb< float > &c)
void glColor3 (const CVD::Rgb8 &c)
void glColor4 (const CVD::Rgb8 &c)
void glColor (const CVD::Rgba< unsigned char > &c)
void glColor (const CVD::Rgba< float > &c)
template<class C >
void glDrawPixels (const SubImage< C > &i)
template<class C >
void glReadPixels (BasicImage< C > &i, ImageRef origin=ImageRef(0, 0))
template<class C >
Image< C > glReadPixels (ImageRef size, ImageRef origin=ImageRef(0, 0))
template<class C >
void glTexSubImage2D (const SubImage< C > &i, GLint xoffset=0, GLint yoffset=0, GLenum target=GL_TEXTURE_2D, GLint level=0)
template<class C >
void glTexImage2D (const SubImage< C > &i, GLint border=0, GLenum target=GL_TEXTURE_2D, GLint level=0)
void glPrintErrors (void)
void glSetFont (const std::string &fontname)
const std::string & glGetFont ()
std::pair< double, double > glDrawText (const std::string &text, enum TEXT_STYLE style=NICE, double spacing=1.5, double kerning=0.1)
std::pair< double, double > glGetExtends (const std::string &text, double spacing=1.5, double kerning=0.1)
template<int N, typename P , typename A >
void glTranslate (const TooN::Vector< N, P, A > &v)
template<typename P , typename A >
void glTranslate (const TooN::Vector< 2, P, A > &v)
template<typename P , typename A >
void glTranslate (const TooN::Vector< 1, P, A > &v)
template<typename P >
void glOrtho (const CVD::ImageRef &size, const P nearPlane=-1.0, const P farPlane=1.0)
template<typename P , typename A >
void glOrtho (const TooN::Vector< 6, P, A > &param)
template<typename P , typename A >
void glFrustum (const TooN::Vector< 4, P, A > &params, const float width, const float height, const float nearPlane=0.1, const float farPlane=100)
template<class CAMERA >
void glFrustum (const CAMERA &camera, const float width, const float height, const float nearPlane=0.1, const float farPlane=100)
template<typename P , typename A >
void glFrustum (const TooN::Vector< 6, P, A > &param)
template<typename P , typename A >
void glColor (const TooN::Vector< 3, P, A > &v)
template<typename P , typename A >
void glColor (const TooN::Vector< 4, P, A > &v)
template<typename P , typename A >
void glClearColor (const TooN::Vector< 4, P, A > &v)
template<typename P , typename A >
void glClearColor (const TooN::Vector< 3, P, A > &v)
template<typename P , typename A >
void glColor (const TooN::Vector<-1, P, A > &v)
template<class It >
void haar1D (It from, It to)
template<class It >
void inv_haar1D (It from, It to)
template<class It >
void haar1D (It from, int size)
template<class It >
void inv_haar1D (It from, int size)
template<class It >
void haar2D (It from, const int width, const int height, int stride=-1)
template<class T >
void haar2D (SubImage< T > &I)
template<class Score , class Inserter , class C , class B >
void harrislike_corner_detect (const SubImage< B > &i, C &c, unsigned int N, float blur, float sigmas, BasicImage< float > &xx, BasicImage< float > &xy, BasicImage< float > &yy)
template<class C >
void harris_corner_detect (const SubImage< C > &i, std::vector< ImageRef > &c, unsigned int N, float blur=1.0, float sigmas=3.0)
template<class C >
void shitomasi_corner_detect (const SubImage< C > &i, std::vector< ImageRef > &c, unsigned int N, float blur=1.0, float sigmas=3.0)
template<class C >
ImageCreationIterator< C > CreateImagesBegin (const C &from_me)
template<class C >
ImageCreationIterator< C > CreateImagesEnd (const C &, int i)
template<class C >
ImageCreationIterator< C > CreateImagesEnd (int i)
template<class Conv , class C , class D >
void convert_image (const SubImage< C > &from, SubImage< D > &to)
template<class C , class D >
void convert_image (const SubImage< C > &from, SubImage< D > &to)
template<class C , class D >
void convert_image (const BasicImage< C > &from, BasicImage< D > &to)
template<class D , class Conv , class C >
Image< D > convert_image (const SubImage< C > &from)
template<class D , class C >
Image< D > convert_image (const SubImage< C > &from)
template<class D , class C >
Image< D > convert_image (const BasicImage< C > &from)
template<class D1 , class D2 , class C >
std::pair< Image< D1 >, Image
< D2 > > 
convert_image_pair (const BasicImage< C > &from)
template<class D >
Image< D > convert_image (const BasicImage< C > &from)
template<class C >
Image< C > img_load (std::istream &i)
template<class C >
Image< C > img_load (std::string &i)
template<class I >
void img_load (Image< I > &im, std::istream &i)
template<class I >
void img_load (Image< I > &im, const std::string &s)
ImageType::ImageType string_to_image_type (const std::string &name)
template<class PixelType >
void img_save (const BasicImage< PixelType > &im, std::ostream &o, ImageType::ImageType t, const std::map< std::string, Parameter<> > &p=std::map< std::string, Parameter<> >())
template<class PixelType >
void img_save (const BasicImage< PixelType > &im, const std::string &name, ImageType::ImageType t, ImageType::ImageType d=ImageType::PNM, const std::map< std::string, Parameter<> > &p=std::map< std::string, Parameter<> >())
template<class PixelType >
void img_save (const BasicImage< PixelType > &im, const std::string &name, const std::map< std::string, Parameter<> > &p=std::map< std::string, Parameter<> >())
template<class PixelType >
void pnm_save (const BasicImage< PixelType > &im, std::ostream &o)
template<class PixelType >
void pnm_load (Image< PixelType > &im, std::istream &i)
void output_eps_footer (std::ostream &o)
void output_eps_header (std::ostream &o, int xs, int ys)
void output_eps_header (std::ostream &o, const ImageRef &s)
template<class PixelType >
void output_eps_header (std::ostream &o, const BasicImage< PixelType > &im)
ImageRef operator* (const int scale, const ImageRef &ref)
template<class S , class D >
void integral_image (const SubImage< S > &in, SubImage< D > &out)
template<class S , class D >
Image< D > integral_image (const BasicImage< S > &from)
double interpolate_extremum (double d1, double d2, double d3)
TooN::Vector< 2 > interpolate_extremum (double I__1__1, double I__1_0, double I__1_1, double I_0__1, double I_0_0, double I_0_1, double I_1__1, double I_1_0, double I_1_1)
template<class I >
TooN::Vector< 2 > interpolate_extremum (const SubImage< I > &i, ImageRef p)
std::pair< TooN::Vector
< 2 >, double > 
interpolate_extremum_value (double I__1__1, double I__1_0, double I__1_1, double I_0__1, double I_0_0, double I_0_1, double I_1__1, double I_1_0, double I_1_1)
template<class I >
std::pair< TooN::Vector
< 2 >, double > 
interpolate_extremum_value (const SubImage< I > &i, ImageRef p)
template<class Accumulator , class T >
void morphology (const SubImage< T > &in, const std::vector< ImageRef > &selem, const Accumulator &a_, SubImage< T > &out)
Image< T > morphology (const SubImage< T > &in, const std::vector< ImageRef > &selem, const Accumulator &a_)
void nonmax_suppression_strict (const std::vector< ImageRef > &corners, const std::vector< int > &scores, std::vector< ImageRef > &nmax_corners)
void nonmax_suppression (const std::vector< ImageRef > &corners, const std::vector< int > &scores, std::vector< ImageRef > &nmax_corners)
void nonmax_suppression_with_scores (const std::vector< ImageRef > &corners, const std::vector< int > &socres, std::vector< std::pair< ImageRef, int > > &max_corners)
double rand_u ()
double rand_g ()
template<class C >
Image< TooN::Matrix< 2 > > dense_tensor_vote_gradients (const SubImage< C > &image, double sigma, double ratio, double cutoff=0.001, unsigned int num_divs=4096)
double get_time_of_day ()
long long get_time_of_day_ns ()
template<class S , class T >
void copy (const BasicImage< S > &in, BasicImage< T > &out, ImageRef size=ImageRef(-1,-1), ImageRef begin=ImageRef(), ImageRef dst=ImageRef())
template<class T >
void zeroPixel (T &pixel)
template<class T >
void zeroPixels (T *pixels, int count)
template<class T >
void zeroBorders (BasicImage< T > &I)
template<class T >
void fillBorders (SubImage< T > &im, const T pix, int w=1)
template<class A , class B >
void differences (const A *a, const A *b, B *diff, size_t count)
template<class A , class B , class C >
void add_multiple_of_sum (const A *a, const A *b, const C &c, B *out, size_t count)
template<class A , class B , class C >
void assign_multiple (const A *a, const B &c, C *out, size_t count)
template<class T >
double inner_product (const T *a, const T *b, size_t count)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
void square (const T1 *in, T2 *out, size_t count)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
void subtract_square (const T1 *in, T2 *out, size_t count)
template<class T >
double sum_squared_differences (const T *a, const T *b, size_t count)
template<int bytes>
bool is_aligned (const void *ptr)
bool is_aligned< 8 > (const void *ptr)
bool is_aligned< 16 > (const void *ptr)
template<int A, class T >
size_t steps_to_align (const T *ptr)
void differences (const byte *a, const byte *b, short *diff, unsigned int size)
void differences (const short *a, const short *b, short *diff, unsigned int size)
void differences (const float *a, const float *b, float *diff, size_t size)
void add_multiple_of_sum (const float *a, const float *b, const float &c, float *out, size_t count)
void assign_multiple (const float *a, const float &c, float *out, size_t count)
double inner_product (const float *a, const float *b, size_t count)
double sum_squared_differences (const float *a, const float *b, size_t count)
void square (const float *in, float *out, size_t count)
void subtract_square (const float *in, float *out, size_t count)
void differences (const int32_t *a, const int32_t *b, int32_t *diff, size_t size)
void differences (const double *a, const double *b, double *diff, size_t size)
void add_multiple_of_sum (const double *a, const double *b, const double &c, double *out, size_t count)
void assign_multiple (const double *a, const double &c, double *out, size_t count)
double inner_product (const double *a, const double *b, size_t count)
double sum_squared_differences (const double *a, const double *b, size_t count)
long long sum_squared_differences (const byte *a, const byte *b, size_t count)
TooN::Vector< 2 > vec (const ImageRef &ir)
ImageRef ir (const TooN::Vector< 2 > &v)
ImageRef ir_rounded (const TooN::Vector< 2 > &v)
ImageRef ir_rescale_rounded (const ImageRef &v, double rescaling_factor)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const VideoSource &vs)
void parse (std::istream &in, VideoSource &vs)
template<class T >
VideoBuffer< T > * open_video_source (const std::string &src)
void get_jpegstream_options (const VideoSource &vs, int &fps)
void get_deinterlace_options (const VideoSource &vs, DeinterlaceBufferFields::Fields &fields, bool &)
void get_colourspace_options (const VideoSource &vs, std::string &from)
template<class Out , class In >
VideoBuffer< Out > * makeConvertBufferBit (const std::string &r)
template<class T >
VideoBuffer< T > * makeColourspaceBuffer (const std::string &c, const std::string &r)
void get_files_options (const VideoSource &vs, int &fps, int &ra_frames, VideoBufferFlags::OnEndOfBuffer &eob)
template<class T >
VideoBuffer< T > * makeV4L1Buffer (const std::string &, const ImageRef &)
VideoBuffer< byte > * makeV4L1Buffer (const std::string &dev, const ImageRef &size)
void get_v4l1_options (const VideoSource &vs, ImageRef &size)
template<class T >
VideoBuffer< T > * makeV4LBuffer (const std::string &, const ImageRef &, int, bool, bool)
VideoBuffer< byte > * makeV4LBuffer (const std::string &dev, const ImageRef &size, int input, bool interlaced, bool verbose)
void get_v4l2_options (const VideoSource &vs, ImageRef &size, int &input, bool &interlaced, bool &verbose)
template<class T >
VideoBuffer< T > * makeVideoFileBuffer (const std::string &, VideoBufferFlags::OnEndOfBuffer)
VideoBuffer< byte > * makeVideoFileBuffer (const std::string &file, VideoBufferFlags::OnEndOfBuffer eob)
void get_file_options (const VideoSource &vs, int &ra_frames, VideoBufferFlags::OnEndOfBuffer &eob)
template<class T >
VideoBuffer< T > * makeDVBuffer2 (int, ImageRef, float, ImageRef, bool, bool, int)
VideoBuffer< byte > * makeDVBuffer2 (int cam, ImageRef size, float fps, ImageRef offset, bool verbose, bool bus_reset, int format7_mode)
void get_dc1394_options (const VideoSource &vs, ImageRef &size, float &fps, ImageRef &offset, bool &verbose, bool &bus_reset, int &format7_mode)
template<class T >
VideoBuffer< T > * makeQTBuffer (const ImageRef &, int, bool, bool)
VideoBuffer< vuy422 > * makeQTBuffer (const ImageRef &size, int input, bool showsettings, bool verbose)
void get_qt_options (const VideoSource &vs, ImageRef &size, bool &showsettings, bool &verbose)
template<class T >
VideoBuffer< T > * open_video_source (const VideoSource &vs)
template<class T >
VideoBuffer< T > * open_video_source (std::istream &in)
template<class C >
void twoThirdsSample (const SubImage< C > &in, SubImage< C > &out)
void twoThirdsSample (const SubImage< byte > &in, SubImage< byte > &out)
template<class C >
Image< C > twoThirdsSample (const SubImage< C > &from)
template<class T >
void halfSample (const BasicImage< T > &in, BasicImage< T > &out)
void halfSample (const BasicImage< byte > &in, BasicImage< byte > &out)
template<class T >
Image< T > halfSample (const BasicImage< T > &in)
template<class T >
Image< T > halfSample (Image< T > in, unsigned int octaves)
template<class T >
void threshold (BasicImage< T > &im, const T &minimum, const T &hi)
template<class T >
void stats (const BasicImage< T > &im, T &mean, T &stddev)
template<class S , class T >
void gradient (const BasicImage< S > &im, BasicImage< T > &out)
template<class T , class S , typename Precision >
void sample (const SubImage< S > &im, Precision x, Precision y, T &result)
template<class T , class S , typename Precision >
sample (const SubImage< S > &im, Precision x, Precision y)
void sample (const SubImage< float > &im, double x, double y, float &result)
template<class T >
void flipVertical (Image< T > &in)
template<class T >
void flipHorizontal (Image< T > &in)
template<class T >
void median_filter_3x3 (const SubImage< T > &I, SubImage< T > out)
void median_filter_3x3 (const SubImage< byte > &I, SubImage< byte > out)
template<bool Aligned>
__m128i load_si128 (const void *addr)
__m128i load_si128< true > (const void *addr)
template<class F , class T1 , class T2 , int A, int M>
void maybe_aligned_differences (const T1 *a, const T1 *b, T2 *c, size_t count)
template<class F , class T1 , class T2 , int A, int M>
void maybe_aligned_add_mul_add (const T1 *a, const T1 *b, const T1 &c, T2 *out, size_t count)
template<class F , class T1 , class T2 , int A, int M>
void maybe_aligned_assign_mul (const T1 *a, const T1 &c, T2 *out, size_t count)
template<class F , class R , class T1 , int A, int M>
maybe_aligned_inner_product (const T1 *a, const T1 *b, size_t count)
template<class F , class R , class T1 , int A, int M>
maybe_aligned_ssd (const T1 *a, const T1 *b, size_t count)
template<class F , class T1 , class T2 , int A, int M>
void maybe_aligned_square (const T1 *in, T2 *out, size_t count)
template<class F , class T1 , class T2 , int A, int M>
void maybe_aligned_subtract_square (const T1 *in, T2 *out, size_t count)


const ImageRef fast_pixel_ring [16]
cvd_timer timer

Detailed Description

All classes and functions are within the CVD namespace.

Function Documentation

void CVD::enableFPE ( ) [inline]

Enable floating point exceptions.

This function may do nothing, depending on the architecture

template<int I>
void CVD::prefetch ( const void *  ptr) [inline]

Prefetch memory.

This function might do nothing, depending on the architecture, or it might prefetch memory. Either way it will have no effect on the computation except to (possibly) speed it up.

ptrThe address of the memory to prefetch.
IThe type of prefetch. This depends on the architecture.
  • x86, MMXEXT
    • 0: prefetcht0
    • 1: prefetcht1
    • 2: prefetcht2
    • *: prefetchnta (default)
  • Everything else
    • *: nothing
std::vector< std::string > globlist ( const std::string &  gl)

Make a list of strings from a UNIX-style pattern pathname expansion.

Tilde expansion is done, and * ? [] and {} can all be used as normal. The filenames are returned in alphabetical (and numerical) order.

glThe pattern from which to generate the strings
void CVD::glOrtho ( const CVD::ImageRef size,
const double  nearPlane = -1.0,
const double  farPlane = 1.0 
) [inline]

Sets up an ortho projection suitable for drawing onto individual pixels of a gl window (or video image.) glVertex2f(0.0,0.0) will be the top left pixel and glVertex2f(xsize-1.0, ysize-1.0) will be the bottom right pixel.

Depth is set from -1 to 1. n.b. You first need to set up the matrix environment yourself, e.g. glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity();

sizeImageRef containing the size of the GL window.

Definition at line 351 of file gl_helpers.h.

References CVD::ImageRef::x, and CVD::ImageRef::y.

Referenced by glOrtho().

void CVD::glOrtho ( const TooN::Vector< 6 > &  param) [inline]

Sets up an ortho projection from a simple Vector<6>

n.b. You first need to set up the matrix environment yourself, e.g. glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity();

param6-vector containing the parameters of the projection

Definition at line 360 of file gl_helpers.h.

References glOrtho().

void CVD::glFrustum ( const TooN::Vector< 6 > &  param) [inline]

Sets up an ortho projection from a simple Vector<6>

n.b. You first need to set up the matrix environment yourself, e.g. glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity();

param6-vector containing the parameters of the projection

Definition at line 405 of file gl_helpers.h.

References glFrustum().

template<typename P >
void CVD::glOrtho ( const CVD::ImageRef size,
const P  nearPlane = -1.0,
const P  farPlane = 1.0 
) [inline]

Sets up an ortho projection suitable for drawing onto individual pixels of a gl window (or video image.) glVertex2f(0.0,0.0) will be the top left pixel and glVertex2f(xsize-1.0, ysize-1.0) will be the bottom right pixel.

Depth is set from -1 to 1. n.b. You first need to set up the matrix environment yourself, e.g. glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity();

sizeImageRef containing the size of the GL window.

Definition at line 176 of file gles1_helpers.h.

References CVD::ImageRef::x, and CVD::ImageRef::y.

template<typename P , typename A >
void CVD::glOrtho ( const TooN::Vector< 6, P, A > &  param) [inline]

Sets up an ortho projection from a simple Vector<6>

n.b. You first need to set up the matrix environment yourself, e.g. glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity();

param6-vector containing the parameters of the projection

Definition at line 185 of file gles1_helpers.h.

template<typename P , typename A >
void CVD::glFrustum ( const TooN::Vector< 6, P, A > &  param) [inline]

Sets up an ortho projection from a simple Vector<6> n.b.

You first need to set up the matrix environment yourself, e.g. glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity();

param6-vector containing the parameters of the projection

Definition at line 230 of file gles1_helpers.h.

template<class C >
ImageCreationIterator<C> CVD::CreateImagesBegin ( const C &  from_me) [inline]

Shortcut function for creating an iterator from a bit of data.

from_meData to construct from

Definition at line 592 of file image.h.

template<class C >
ImageCreationIterator<C> CVD::CreateImagesEnd ( const C &  ,
int  i 
) [inline]

Shortcut to create an end iterator.

The first parameter is used to get the type correct.

iNumber of copies to make

Definition at line 599 of file image.h.

template<class C >
ImageCreationIterator<C> CVD::CreateImagesEnd ( int  i) [inline]

Shortcut to create an end iterator.

iNumber of copies to make

Definition at line 606 of file image.h.

template<class D , class C >
Image<D> CVD::convert_image ( const SubImage< C > &  from)

Convert an image from one type to another using the default.

DThe destination image pixel type
CThe source image pixel type
fromThe image to convert from

Definition at line 105 of file image_convert.h.

References convert_image(), and CVD::SubImage< T >::size().

ImageType::ImageType CVD::string_to_image_type ( const std::string &  name)

Deduce an image type from a filename suffix.

nameThe name of the image file
double CVD::get_time_of_day ( )

Same as the system call gettimeofday, but returns seconds since the epoch as a double.

Referenced by CVD::ServerPushJpegBuffer< C >::get_frame().

template<class T >
void CVD::fillBorders ( SubImage< T > &  im,
const T  pix,
int  w = 1 

Fill image borders.

imImage fo fill borders in
pixFill value
wborder width

Definition at line 107 of file utility.h.

References CVD::SubImage< T >::size(), CVD::ImageRef::x, and CVD::ImageRef::y.