CVD 0.8
00001 /*
00002         This file is part of the CVD Library.
00004         Copyright (C) 2005 The Authors
00006         This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00007         modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
00008         License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
00009         version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00011         This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00012         but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00014         Lesser General Public License for more details.
00016         You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
00017         License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
00018         Foundation, Inc.,
00019     51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
00020 */
00022 #ifndef CVD_VISION_H_
00023 #define CVD_VISION_H_
00025 #include <vector>
00026 #include <memory>
00027 #include <algorithm>
00029 #include <cvd/vision_exceptions.h>
00030 #include <cvd/image.h>
00031 #include <cvd/internal/pixel_operations.h>
00032 #include <cvd/utility.h>
00035 #if defined(CVD_HAVE_TOON)
00036 #include <TooN/TooN.h>
00037 #include <TooN/helpers.h>
00038 #endif
00040 namespace CVD{
00047 template<class C> void twoThirdsSample(const SubImage<C>& in, SubImage<C>& out)
00048 {
00049     typedef typename Pixel::traits<C>::wider_type sum_type;
00050     if( (in.size()/3*2) != out.size())
00051         throw Exceptions::Vision::IncompatibleImageSizes(__FUNCTION__);
00053     for(int yy=0, y=0; y < in.size().y-2; y+=3, yy+=2)
00054         for(int xx=0, x=0; x < in.size().x-2; x+=3, xx+=2)
00055         {
00056             // a b c
00057             // d e f
00058             // g h i
00060             sum_type b = in[y][x+1]*2;
00061             sum_type d = in[y+1][x]*2;
00062             sum_type f = in[y+1][x+2]*2;
00063             sum_type h = in[y+2][x+1]*2;
00064             sum_type e = in[y+1][x+1];
00066             out[yy][xx]     = static_cast<C>((in[  y][  x]*4+b+d+e)/9);
00067             out[yy][xx+1]   = static_cast<C>((in[  y][x+2]*4+b+f+e)/9);
00068             out[yy+1][xx]   = static_cast<C>((in[y+2][  x]*4+h+d+e)/9);
00069             out[yy+1][xx+1] = static_cast<C>((in[y+2][x+2]*4+h+f+e)/9);
00070         }
00071 }
00076 void twoThirdsSample(const SubImage<byte>& in, SubImage<byte>& out);
00079   namespace Internal
00080   {
00081     template<class C> class twoThirdsSampler{};
00082     template<class C>  struct ImagePromise<twoThirdsSampler<C> >
00083     {
00084         ImagePromise(const SubImage<C>& im)
00085         :i(im)
00086         {}
00088         const SubImage<C>& i;
00089         template<class D> void execute(Image<D>& j)
00090         {
00091             j.resize(i.size()/3*2);
00092             twoThirdsSample(i, j);
00093         }
00094     };
00095   };
00096   template<class C> Internal::ImagePromise<Internal::twoThirdsSampler<C> > twoThirdsSample(const SubImage<C>& c)
00097   {
00098     return Internal::ImagePromise<Internal::twoThirdsSampler<C> >(c);
00099   }
00100   #else
00108     template<class C> Image<C> twoThirdsSample(const SubImage<C>& from);
00110   #endif
00117 template <class T>
00118 void halfSample(const BasicImage<T>& in, BasicImage<T>& out)
00119 {
00120     typedef typename Pixel::traits<T>::wider_type sum_type;
00121     if( (in.size()/2) != out.size())
00122         throw Exceptions::Vision::IncompatibleImageSizes("halfSample");
00123     const T* top =;
00124     const T* bottom = top + in.size().x;
00125     const T* end = top + in.totalsize();
00126     int ow = out.size().x;
00127     int skip = in.size().x + (in.size().x % 2);
00128     T* p =;
00129     while (bottom < end) {      
00130       for (int j=0; j<ow; j++) {
00131     *p = static_cast<T>((sum_type(top[0]) + top[1] + bottom[0] + bottom[1])/4);
00132     p++;
00133     top += 2;
00134     bottom += 2;
00135       }
00136       top += skip;
00137       bottom += skip;
00138     }
00139 }
00141 void halfSample(const BasicImage<byte>& in, BasicImage<byte>& out);
00148 template <class T>
00149 inline Image<T> halfSample(const BasicImage<T>& in)
00150 {
00151     Image<T> out(in.size()/2);
00152     halfSample(in, out);
00153     return out;
00154 }
00164 template <class T>
00165 inline Image<T> halfSample( Image<T> in, unsigned int octaves){
00166     for( ;octaves > 0; --octaves){
00167         in = halfSample(in);
00168     }
00169     return in;
00170 }
00177 template <class T>
00178 void threshold(BasicImage<T>& im, const T& minimum, const T& hi)
00179 {
00180   typename BasicImage<T>::iterator it = im.begin();
00181   typename BasicImage<T>::iterator end = im.end();
00182   while (it != end) {
00183     if (*it < minimum)
00184       *it = T();
00185     else
00186       *it = hi;
00187     ++it;
00188   }
00189 }
00197 template <class T>
00198 void stats(const BasicImage<T>& im, T& mean, T& stddev)
00199 {
00200     const int c = Pixel::Component<T>::count;
00201     double v;
00202     double sum[c] = {0};
00203     double sumSq[c] = {0};
00204     const T* p =;
00205     const T* end =;
00206     while (p != end) {
00207         for (int k=0; k<c; k++) {
00208             v = Pixel::Component<T>::get(*p, k);
00209             sum[k] += v;
00210             sumSq[k] += v*v;
00211         }
00212         ++p;
00213     }
00214     for (int k=0; k<c; k++) {
00215         double m = sum[k]/im.totalsize();
00216         Pixel::Component<T>::get(mean,k) = (typename Pixel::Component<T>::type)m;
00217         sumSq[k] /= im.totalsize();
00218         Pixel::Component<T>::get(stddev,k) = (typename Pixel::Component<T>::type)sqrt(sumSq[k] - m*m);
00219     }
00220 }
00224 template <class T>
00225 struct multiplyBy
00226 {
00227   const T& factor;
00228   multiplyBy(const T& f) : factor(f) {};
00229   template <class S> inline S operator()(const S& s) const {
00230     return s * factor;
00231   }
00232 };
00234 template <class S, class T, int Sn=Pixel::Component<S>::count, int Tn=Pixel::Component<T>::count> struct Gradient;
00235 template <class S, class T> struct Gradient<S,T,1,2> {
00236   typedef typename Pixel::Component<S>::type SComp;
00237   typedef typename Pixel::Component<T>::type TComp;
00238   typedef typename Pixel::traits<SComp>::wider_type diff_type;
00239   static void gradient(const BasicImage<S>& I, BasicImage<T>& grad) {
00240     int w = I.size().x;
00241     typename BasicImage<S>::const_iterator s = I.begin() + w + 1;
00242     typename BasicImage<S>::const_iterator end = I.end() - w - 1;
00243     typename BasicImage<T>::iterator t = grad.begin() + w + 1;
00244     while (s != end) {
00245       Pixel::Component<T>::get(*t, 0) = Pixel::scalar_convert<TComp,SComp,diff_type>(diff_type(*(s+1)) - *(s-1));
00246       Pixel::Component<T>::get(*t, 1) = Pixel::scalar_convert<TComp,SComp,diff_type>(diff_type(*(s+w)) - *(s-w));
00247       s++;
00248       t++;
00249     }
00250     zeroBorders(grad);
00251   }
00252 };
00260 template <class S, class T> void gradient(const BasicImage<S>& im, BasicImage<T>& out)
00261 {
00262   if( im.size() != out.size())
00263     throw Exceptions::Vision::IncompatibleImageSizes("gradient");
00264   Gradient<S,T>::gradient(im,out);
00265 }
00269 void gradient(const BasicImage<byte>& im, BasicImage<short[2]>& out);
00270 #endif
00273 template <class T, class S, typename Precision> inline void sample(const SubImage<S>& im, Precision x, Precision y, T& result)
00274 {
00275   typedef typename Pixel::Component<S>::type SComp;
00276   typedef typename Pixel::Component<T>::type TComp;
00277   const int lx = (int)x;
00278   const int ly = (int)y;
00279   x -= lx;
00280   y -= ly;
00281   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < Pixel::Component<T>::count; i++){
00282     Pixel::Component<T>::get(result,i) = Pixel::scalar_convert<TComp,SComp>(
00283         (1-y)*((1-x)*Pixel::Component<S>::get(im[ly][lx],i) + x*Pixel::Component<S>::get(im[ly][lx+1], i)) +
00284           y * ((1-x)*Pixel::Component<S>::get(im[ly+1][lx],i) + x*Pixel::Component<S>::get(im[ly+1][lx+1],i)));
00285   }
00286  }
00288 template <class T, class S, typename Precision> inline T sample(const SubImage<S>& im, Precision x, Precision y){
00289     T result;
00290     sample( im, x, y, result);
00291     return result;
00292 }
00294 inline void sample(const SubImage<float>& im, double x, double y, float& result)
00295 {
00296     const int lx = (int)x;
00297     const int ly = (int)y;
00298     const int w = im.row_stride();
00299     const float* base = im[ly]+lx;
00300     const float a = base[0];
00301     const float b = base[1];
00302     const float c = base[w];
00303     const float d = base[w+1];
00304     const float e = a-b;
00305     x-=lx;
00306     y-=ly;
00307     result = (float)(x*(y*(e-c+d)-e)+y*(c-a)+a);
00308 }
00310 #if defined (CVD_HAVE_TOON)
00322 template <typename T, typename S, typename P>
00323 int transform(const SubImage<S>& in, SubImage<T>& out, const TooN::Matrix<2, 2, P>& M, const TooN::Vector<2, P>& inOrig, const TooN::Vector<2, P>& outOrig, const T defaultValue = T())
00324 {
00325     const int w = out.size().x, h = out.size().y, iw = in.size().x, ih = in.size().y; 
00326     const TooN::Vector<2, P> across = M.T()[0];
00327     const TooN::Vector<2, P> down =   M.T()[1];
00329     const TooN::Vector<2, P> p0 = inOrig - M*outOrig;
00330     const TooN::Vector<2, P> p1 = p0 + w*across;
00331     const TooN::Vector<2, P> p2 = p0 + h*down;
00332     const TooN::Vector<2, P> p3 = p0 + w*across + h*down;
00334     // ul --> p0
00335     // ur --> w*across + p0
00336     // ll --> h*down + p0
00337     // lr --> w*across + h*down + p0
00338     P min_x = p0[0], min_y = p0[1];
00339     P max_x = min_x, max_y = min_y;
00341     // Minimal comparisons needed to determine bounds
00342     if (across[0] < 0)
00343     min_x += w*across[0];
00344     else
00345     max_x += w*across[0];
00346     if (down[0] < 0)
00347     min_x += h*down[0];
00348     else
00349     max_x += h*down[0];
00350     if (across[1] < 0)
00351     min_y += w*across[1];
00352     else
00353     max_y += w*across[1];
00354     if (down[1] < 0)
00355     min_y += h*down[1];
00356     else
00357     max_y += h*down[1];
00359     // This gets from the end of one row to the beginning of the next
00360     const TooN::Vector<2, P> carriage_return = down - w*across;
00362     //If the patch being extracted is completely in the image then no 
00363     //check is needed with each point.
00364     if (min_x >= 0 && min_y >= 0 && max_x < iw-1 && max_y < ih-1) 
00365     {
00366     TooN::Vector<2, P> p = p0;
00367     for (int i=0; i<h; ++i, p+=carriage_return)
00368         for (int j=0; j<w; ++j, p+=across) 
00369         sample(in,p[0],p[1],out[i][j]);
00370     return 0;
00371     } 
00372     else // Check each source location
00373     {
00374     // Store as doubles to avoid conversion cost for comparison
00375     const P x_bound = iw-1;
00376     const P y_bound = ih-1;
00377     int count = 0;
00378     TooN::Vector<2, P> p = p0;
00379     for (int i=0; i<h; ++i, p+=carriage_return) {
00380         for (int j=0; j<w; ++j, p+=across) {
00381         //Make sure that we are extracting pixels in the image
00382         if (0 <= p[0] && 0 <= p[1] &&  p[0] < x_bound && p[1] < y_bound)
00383             sample(in,p[0],p[1],out[i][j]);
00384         else {
00385             out[i][j] = defaultValue;
00386             ++count;
00387         }
00388         }
00389     }
00390     return count;
00391     }
00392 }
00394   template <class T>  void transform(const BasicImage<T>& in, BasicImage<T>& out, const TooN::Matrix<3>& Minv /* <-- takes points in "out" to points in "in" */)
00395   {
00396     TooN::Vector<3> base = Minv.T()[2];
00397     TooN::Vector<2> offset;
00398     offset[0] = in.size().x/2;
00399     offset[1] = in.size().y/2;
00400     offset -= TooN::project(base);
00401     TooN::Vector<3> across = Minv.T()[0];
00402     TooN::Vector<3> down = Minv.T()[1];
00403     double w = in.size().x-1;
00404     double h = in.size().y-1;
00405     int ow = out.size().x;
00406     int oh = out.size().y;
00407     base -= down*(oh/2) + across*(ow/2);
00408     for (int row = 0; row < oh; row++, base+=down) {
00409       TooN::Vector<3> x = base;
00410       for (int col = 0; col < ow; col++, x += across) {
00411     TooN::Vector<2> p = project(x) + offset;
00412     if (p[0] >= 0 && p[0] <= w-1 && p[1] >=0 && p[1] <= h-1)
00413       sample(in,p[0],p[1], out[row][col]);
00414     else
00415       zeroPixel(out[row][col]);
00416       }
00417     }
00418   }
00421 template <typename T, typename CAM1, typename CAM2>
00422 void warp( const SubImage<T> & in, const CAM1 & cam_in, SubImage<T> & out, const CAM2 & cam_out){
00423     const ImageRef size = out.size();
00424     for(int y = 0; y < size.y; ++y){
00425         for(int x = 0; x < size.x; ++x){
00426             TooN::Vector<2> l = cam_in.project(cam_out.unproject(TooN::makeVector(x,y)));
00427             if(l[0] >= 0 && l[0] <= in.size().x - 1 && l[1] >= 0 && l[1] <= in.size().y -1){
00428                 sample(in, l[0], l[1], out[y][x]);
00429             } else 
00430                 out[y][x] = T();
00431         }
00432     }
00433 }
00438 template <typename T, typename CAM1, typename CAM2>
00439 Image<T> warp( const SubImage<T> & in, const CAM1 & cam_in, const ImageRef & size, const CAM2 & cam_out){
00440     Image<T> result(size);
00441     warp(in, cam_in, result, cam_out);
00442     return result;
00443 }
00448 template <typename T, typename CAM1, typename CAM2>
00449 Image<T> warp( const SubImage<T> & in, const CAM1 & cam_in, const CAM2 & cam_out){
00450     Image<T> result(in.size());
00451     warp(in, cam_in, result, cam_out);
00452     return result;
00453 }
00455 #endif
00458 template <class T> void flipVertical( Image<T> & in )
00459 {
00460   int w = in.size().x;
00461   std::vector<T> buf(w);
00462   T* buffer = &buf[0];
00463   T * top =;
00464   T * bottom = top + (in.size().y - 1)*w;
00465   while( top < bottom )
00466   {
00467     std::copy(top, top+w, buffer);
00468     std::copy(bottom, bottom+w, top);
00469     std::copy(buffer, buffer+w, bottom);
00470     top += w;
00471     bottom -= w;
00472   }
00473 }
00476 template <class T> void flipHorizontal( Image<T> & in )
00477 {
00478   int w = in.size().x;
00479   int h = in.size().y;
00480   std::auto_ptr<T> buffer_auto(new T[w]);
00481   T* buffer = buffer_auto.get();
00482   T * left =;
00483   T * right = left + w;
00484   int row = 0;
00485   while(row < h)
00486   {
00487     std::copy(left, right, buffer);
00488     std::reverse_copy(buffer, buffer+w-1, left);
00489     row++;
00490     left += w;
00491     right += w;
00492   }
00493 }
00496 namespace median {
00497     template <class T> inline T median3(T a, T b, T c) {
00498     if (b<a)
00499         return std::max(b,std::min(a,c));
00500     else
00501         return std::max(a,std::min(b,c));   
00502     }
00504     template <class T> inline void sort3(T& a, T& b, T& c) {
00505     using std::swap;
00506     if (b<a) swap(a,b);
00507     if (c<b) swap(b,c);
00508     if (b<a) swap(a,b);
00509     }
00511     template <class T> T median_3x3(const T* p, const int w) {
00512     T a = p[-w-1], b = p[-w], c = p[-w+1], d=p[-1], e=p[0], f=p[1], g=p[w-1], h=p[w], i=p[w+1];
00513     sort3(a,b,c);
00514     sort3(d,e,f);
00515     sort3(g,h,i);
00516     e = median3(b,e,h);
00517     g = std::max(std::max(a,d),g);
00518     c = std::min(c,std::min(f,i));
00519     return median3(c,e,g);
00520     }
00522     template <class T> void median_filter_3x3(const T* p, const int w, const int n, T* out)
00523     {
00524     T a = p[-w-1], b = p[-w], d=p[-1], e=p[0], g=p[w-1], h=p[w];
00525     sort3(a,d,g);
00526     sort3(b,e,h);
00527     for (int j=0; j<n; ++j, ++p, ++out) {
00528         T c = p[-w+1], f = p[1], i = p[w+1];
00529         sort3(c,f,i);
00530         *out = median3(std::min(std::min(g,h),i), 
00531                median3(d,e,f), 
00532                std::max(std::max(a,b),c));
00533         a=b; b=c; d=e; e=f; g=h; h=i;
00534     }
00535     }
00536 }
00538     template <class T> void median_filter_3x3(const SubImage<T>& I, SubImage<T> out)
00539     {
00540     assert(out.size() == I.size());
00541     const int s = I.row_stride();
00542     const int n = I.size().x - 2;
00543     for (int i=1; i+1<I.size().y; ++i)
00544         median::median_filter_3x3(I[i]+1, s, n, out[i]+1);
00545     }
00547 void median_filter_3x3(const SubImage<byte>& I, SubImage<byte> out);
00549 //template<class T>
00552 }; // namespace CVD
00554 #endif // CVD_VISION_H_