TooN 2.1
00001 // -*- c++ -*-
00003 // Copyright (C) 2005,2009 Tom Drummond (
00004 //
00005 // This file is part of the TooN Library.   This library is free
00006 // software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
00007 // terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
00008 // Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
00009 // any later version.
00011 // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00012 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00014 // GNU General Public License for more details.
00016 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
00017 // with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
00018 // Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
00019 // USA.
00021 // As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
00022 // library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate
00023 // templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
00024 // this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
00025 // file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
00026 // the GNU General Public License.  This exception does not however
00027 // invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
00028 // the GNU General Public License.
00030 #ifndef __SYMEIGEN_H
00031 #define __SYMEIGEN_H
00033 #include <iostream>
00034 #include <cassert>
00035 #include <cmath>
00036 #include <utility>
00037 #include <complex>
00038 #include <TooN/lapack.h>
00040 #include <TooN/TooN.h>
00042 namespace TooN {
00043 static const double root3=1.73205080756887729352744634150587236694280525381038062805580;
00045 namespace Internal{
00047         using std::swap;
00049     ///Default condition number for SymEigen::backsub, SymEigen::get_pinv and SymEigen::get_inv_diag
00050     static const double symeigen_condition_no=1e9;
00052     ///@internal
00053     ///@brief Compute eigensystems for sizes > 2
00054     ///Helper struct for computing eigensystems, to allow for specialization on
00055     ///2x2 matrices.
00056     ///@ingroup gInternal
00057     template <int Size> struct ComputeSymEigen {
00059         ///@internal
00060         ///Compute an eigensystem.
00061         ///@param m Input matrix (assumed to be symmetric)
00062         ///@param evectors Eigen vector output
00063         ///@param evalues Eigen values output
00064         template<int Rows, int Cols, typename P, typename B>
00065         static inline void compute(const Matrix<Rows,Cols,P, B>& m, Matrix<Size,Size,P> & evectors, Vector<Size, P>& evalues) {
00067             SizeMismatch<Rows, Cols>::test(m.num_rows(), m.num_cols());  //m must be square
00068             SizeMismatch<Size, Rows>::test(m.num_rows(), evalues.size()); //m must be the size of the system
00071             evectors = m;
00072             FortranInteger N = evalues.size();
00073             FortranInteger lda = evalues.size();
00074             FortranInteger info;
00075             FortranInteger lwork=-1;
00076             P size;
00078             // find out how much space fortran needs
00079             syev_((char*)"V",(char*)"U",&N,&evectors[0][0],&lda,&evalues[0], &size,&lwork,&info);
00080             lwork = int(size);
00081             Vector<Dynamic, P> WORK(lwork);
00083             // now compute the decomposition
00084             syev_((char*)"V",(char*)"U",&N,&evectors[0][0],&lda,&evalues[0], &WORK[0],&lwork,&info);
00086             if(info!=0){
00087                 std::cerr << "In SymEigen<"<<Size<<">: " << info
00088                         << " off-diagonal elements of an intermediate tridiagonal form did not converge to zero." << std::endl
00089                         << "M = " << m << std::endl;
00090             }
00091         }
00092     };
00094     ///@internal
00095     ///@brief Compute 2x2 eigensystems
00096     ///Helper struct for computing eigensystems, specialized on 2x2 matrices.
00097     ///@ingroup gInternal
00098     template <> struct ComputeSymEigen<2> {
00100         ///@internal
00101         ///Compute an eigensystem.
00102         ///@param m Input matrix (assumed to be symmetric)
00103         ///@param eig Eigen vector output
00104         ///@param ev Eigen values output
00105         template<typename P, typename B>
00106         static inline void compute(const Matrix<2,2,P,B>& m, Matrix<2,2,P>& eig, Vector<2, P>& ev) {
00107             double trace = m[0][0] + m[1][1];
00108             //Only use the upper triangular elements.
00109             double det = m[0][0]*m[1][1] - m[0][1]*m[0][1]; 
00110             double disc = trace*trace - 4 * det;
00112             //Mathematically, disc >= 0 always.
00113             //Numerically, it can drift very slightly below zero.
00114             if(disc < 0)
00115                 disc = 0;
00117             using std::sqrt;
00118             double root_disc = sqrt(disc);
00119             ev[0] = 0.5 * (trace - root_disc);
00120             ev[1] = 0.5 * (trace + root_disc);
00121             double a = m[0][0] - ev[0];
00122             double b = m[0][1];
00123             double magsq = a*a + b*b;
00124             if (magsq == 0) {
00125                 eig[0][0] = 1.0;
00126                 eig[0][1] = 0;
00127             } else {
00128                 eig[0][0] = -b;
00129                 eig[0][1] = a;
00130                 eig[0] *= 1.0/sqrt(magsq);
00131             }
00132             eig[1][0] = -eig[0][1];
00133             eig[1][1] = eig[0][0];
00134         }
00135     };
00137     ///@internal
00138     ///@brief Compute 3x3 eigensystems
00139     ///Helper struct for computing eigensystems, specialized on 3x3 matrices.
00140     ///@ingroup gInternal
00141     template <> struct ComputeSymEigen<3> {
00143         ///@internal
00144         ///Compute an eigensystem.
00145         ///@param m Input matrix (assumed to be symmetric)
00146         ///@param eig Eigen vector output
00147         ///@param ev Eigen values output
00148         template<typename P, typename B>
00149         static inline void compute(const Matrix<3,3,P,B>& m, Matrix<3,3,P>& eig, Vector<3, P>& ev) {
00150             //method uses closed form solution of cubic equation to obtain roots of characteristic equation.
00151             using std::sqrt;
00152             using std::min;
00154             double a_norm = norm_1(m);
00155             double eps = 1e-7 * a_norm;
00157             if(a_norm == 0)
00158             {
00159                 eig = TooN::Identity;
00160                 return;
00161             }
00163             //Polynomial terms of |a - l * Identity|
00164             //l^3 + a*l^2 + b*l + c
00166             const double& a11 = m[0][0];
00167             const double& a12 = m[0][1];
00168             const double& a13 = m[0][2];
00170             const double& a22 = m[1][1];
00171             const double& a23 = m[1][2];
00173             const double& a33 = m[2][2];
00175             //From matlab:
00176             double a = -a11-a22-a33;
00177             double b = a11*a22+a11*a33+a22*a33-a12*a12-a13*a13-a23*a23;
00178             double c = a11*(a23*a23)+(a13*a13)*a22+(a12*a12)*a33-a12*a13*a23*2.0-a11*a22*a33;
00180             //Using Cardano's method:
00181             double p = b - a*a/3;
00182             double q = c + (2*a*a*a - 9*a*b)/27;
00184             double alpha = -q/2;
00186             //beta_descriminant <= 0 for real roots!
00187             //force to zero to avoid nasty rounding issues.
00188             double beta_descriminant = std::min(0.0, q*q/4 + p*p*p/27);
00190             double beta = sqrt(-beta_descriminant);
00191             double r2 = alpha*alpha  - beta_descriminant;
00193             ///Need A,B = cubert(alpha +- beta)
00194             ///Turn in to r, theta
00195             /// r^(1/3) * e^(i * theta/3)
00196             double cuberoot_r = pow(r2, 1./6);
00198             double theta3 = atan2(beta, alpha)/3;
00200             double A_plus_B = 2*cuberoot_r*cos(theta3);
00201             double A_minus_B = -2*cuberoot_r*sin(theta3);
00203             //calculate eigenvalues
00204             ev =  makeVector(A_plus_B, -A_plus_B/2 + A_minus_B * sqrt(3)/2, -A_plus_B/2 - A_minus_B * sqrt(3)/2) - Ones * a/3;
00206             if(ev[0] > ev[1])
00207                 swap(ev[0], ev[1]);
00208             if(ev[1] > ev[2])
00209                 swap(ev[1], ev[2]);
00210             if(ev[0] > ev[1])
00211                 swap(ev[0], ev[1]);
00213             // for the vector [x y z]
00214             // eliminate to compute the ratios x/z and y/z
00215             // in both cases, the denominator is the same, so in the absence of
00216             // any other scaling, choose the denominator to be z and 
00217             // tne numerators to be x and y.
00218             //
00219             // x/z and y/z,  implies ax, ay, az which vanishes
00220             // if a=0
00221             //calculate the eigenvectors
00222             eig[0][0]=a12 * a23 - a13 * (a22 - ev[0]);
00223             eig[0][1]=a12 * a13 - a23 * (a11 - ev[0]);
00224             eig[0][2]=(a11-ev[0])*(a22-ev[0]) - a12*a12;
00225             eig[1][0]=a12 * a23 - a13 * (a22 - ev[1]);
00226             eig[1][1]=a12 * a13 - a23 * (a11 - ev[1]);
00227             eig[1][2]=(a11-ev[1])*(a22-ev[1]) - a12*a12;
00228             eig[2][0]=a12 * a23 - a13 * (a22 - ev[2]);
00229             eig[2][1]=a12 * a13 - a23 * (a11 - ev[2]);
00230             eig[2][2]=(a11-ev[2])*(a22-ev[2]) - a12*a12;
00232             //Check to see if we have any zero vectors
00233             double e0norm = norm_1(eig[0]);
00234             double e1norm = norm_1(eig[1]);
00235             double e2norm = norm_1(eig[2]);
00237             //Some of the vectors vanish: we're computing
00238             // x/z and y/z, which implies ax, ay, az which vanishes
00239             // if a=0;
00240             //
00241             // So compute the other two choices.
00242             if(e0norm < eps)
00243             {
00244                 eig[0][0] += a12 * (ev[0] - a33) + a23 * a13;
00245                 eig[0][1] += (ev[0]-a11)*(ev[0]-a33) - a13*a13;
00246                 eig[0][2] += a23 * (ev[0] - a11) + a12 * a13;
00247                 e0norm = norm_1(eig[0]);
00248             }
00250             if(e1norm < eps)
00251             {
00252                 eig[1][0] += a12 * (ev[1] - a33) + a23 * a13;
00253                 eig[1][1] += (ev[1]-a11)*(ev[1]-a33) - a13*a13;
00254                 eig[1][2] += a23 * (ev[1] - a11) + a12 * a13;
00255                 e1norm = norm_1(eig[1]);
00256             }
00258             if(e2norm < eps)
00259             {
00260                 eig[2][0] += a12 * (ev[2] - a33) + a23 * a13;
00261                 eig[2][1] += (ev[2]-a11)*(ev[2]-a33) - a13*a13;
00262                 eig[2][2] += a23 * (ev[2] - a11) + a12 * a13;
00263                 e2norm = norm_1(eig[2]);
00264             }
00267             //OK, a AND b might be 0
00268             //Check for vanishing and add in y/x, z/x which implies cx, cy, cz
00269             if(e0norm < eps)
00270             {
00271                 eig[0][0] +=(ev[0]-a22)*(ev[0]-a33) - a23*a23;
00272                 eig[0][1] +=a12 * (ev[0] - a33) + a23 * a13;
00273                 eig[0][2] +=a13 * (ev[0] - a22) + a23 * a12;
00274                 e0norm = norm_1(eig[0]);
00275             }
00277             if(e1norm < eps)
00278             {
00279                 eig[1][0] +=(ev[1]-a22)*(ev[1]-a33) - a23*a23;
00280                 eig[1][1] +=a12 * (ev[1] - a33) + a23 * a13;
00281                 eig[1][2] +=a13 * (ev[1] - a22) + a23 * a12;
00282                 e1norm = norm_1(eig[1]);
00283             }
00285             if(e2norm < eps)
00286             {
00287                 eig[2][0] +=(ev[2]-a22)*(ev[2]-a33) - a23*a23;
00288                 eig[2][1] +=a12 * (ev[2] - a33) + a23 * a13;
00289                 eig[2][2] +=a13 * (ev[2] - a22) + a23 * a12;
00290                 e2norm = norm_1(eig[2]);
00291             }
00293             //Oh, COME ON!!!
00294             if(e0norm < eps || e1norm < eps || e2norm < eps)
00295             {
00296                 //This is blessedly rare
00298                 double ns[] = {e0norm, e1norm, e2norm};
00299                 double is[] = {0, 1, 2};
00301                 //Sort them
00302                 if(ns[0] > ns[1])
00303                 {
00304                     swap(ns[0], ns[1]);
00305                     swap(is[0], is[1]);
00306                 }
00307                 if(ns[1] > ns[2])
00308                 {
00309                     swap(ns[1], ns[2]);
00310                     swap(is[1], is[2]);
00311                 }
00312                 if(ns[0] > ns[1])
00313                 {
00314                     swap(ns[0], ns[1]);
00315                     swap(is[0], is[1]);
00316                 }
00319                 if(ns[1] >= eps)
00320                 {
00321                     //one small one. Use the cross product of the other two
00322                     normalize(eig[1]);
00323                     normalize(eig[2]);
00324                     eig[is[0]] = eig[is[1]]^eig[is[2]];
00325                 }
00326                 else if(ns[2] >= eps)
00327                 {
00328                     normalize(eig[is[2]]);
00330                     //Permute vector to get a new vector with some orthogonal components.
00331                     Vector<3> p = makeVector(eig[is[2]][1], eig[is[2]][2], eig[is[2]][0]);
00333                     //Gram-Schmit
00334                     Vector<3> v1 = unit(p - eig[is[2]] * (p * eig[is[2]]));
00335                     Vector<3> v2 = v1^eig[is[2]];
00337                     eig[is[0]] = v1;
00338                     eig[is[1]] = v2;
00339                 }
00340                 else
00341                     eig = TooN::Identity;
00342             }
00343             else
00344             {
00345                 normalize(eig[0]);
00346                 normalize(eig[1]);
00347                 normalize(eig[2]);
00348             }
00349         }
00350     };
00352 };
00354 /**
00355 Performs eigen decomposition of a matrix.
00356 Real symmetric (and hence square matrices) can be decomposed into
00357 \f[M = U \times \Lambda \times U^T\f]
00358 where \f$U\f$ is an orthogonal matrix (and hence \f$U^T = U^{-1}\f$) whose columns
00359 are the eigenvectors of \f$M\f$ and \f$\Lambda\f$ is a diagonal matrix whose entries
00360 are the eigenvalues of \f$M\f$. These quantities are often of use directly, and can
00361 be obtained as follows:
00362 @code
00363 // construct M
00364 Matrix<3> M(3,3);
00365 M[0]=makeVector(4,0,2);
00366 M[1]=makeVector(0,5,3);
00367 M[2]=makeVector(2,3,6);
00369 // create the eigen decomposition of M
00370 SymEigen<3> eigM(M);
00371 cout << "A=" << M << endl;
00372 cout << "(E,v)=eig(A)" << endl;
00373 // print the smallest eigenvalue
00374 cout << "v[0]=" << eigM.get_evalues()[0] << endl;
00375 // print the associated eigenvector
00376 cout << "E[0]=" << eigM.get_evectors()[0] << endl;
00377 @endcode
00379 Further, provided the eigenvalues are nonnegative, the square root of
00380 a matrix and its inverse can also be obtained,
00381 @code
00382 // print the square root of the matrix.
00383 cout << "R=sqrtm(A)=" << eigM.get_sqrtm() << endl;
00384 // print the square root of the matrix squared.
00385 cout << "(should equal A), R^T*R="
00386      << eigM.get_sqrtm().T() * eigM.get_sqrtm() << endl;
00387 // print the inverse of the matrix.
00388 cout << "A^-1=" << eigM.get_pinv() << endl;
00389 // print the inverse square root of the matrix.
00390 cout << "C=isqrtm(A)=" << eigM.get_isqrtm() << endl;
00391 // print the inverse square root of the matrix squared.
00392 cout << "(should equal A^-1), C^T*C="
00393      << eigM.get_isqrtm().T() * eigM.get_isqrtm() << endl;
00394 @endcode
00396 This decomposition is very similar to the SVD (q.v.), and can be used to solve
00397 equations using backsub() or get_pinv(), with the same treatment of condition numbers.
00399 SymEigen<> (= SymEigen<-1>) can be used to create an eigen decomposition whose size is determined at run-time.
00400 @ingroup gDecomps
00401 **/
00402 template <int Size=Dynamic, typename Precision = double>
00403 class SymEigen {
00404 public:
00405     inline SymEigen(){}
00407         /// Initialise this eigen decomposition but do no immediately
00408         /// perform a decomposition.
00409         ///
00410         /// @param m The size of the matrix to perform the eigen decomposition on.
00411         inline SymEigen(int m) : my_evectors(m,m), my_evalues(m) {}
00413     /// Construct the eigen decomposition of a matrix. This initialises the class, and
00414     /// performs the decomposition immediately.
00415     template<int R, int C, typename B>
00416     inline SymEigen(const Matrix<R, C, Precision, B>& m) : my_evectors(m.num_rows(), m.num_cols()), my_evalues(m.num_rows()) {
00417         compute(m);
00418     }
00420     /// Perform the eigen decomposition of a matrix.
00421     template<int R, int C, typename B>
00422     inline void compute(const Matrix<R,C,Precision,B>& m){
00423         SizeMismatch<R, C>::test(m.num_rows(), m.num_cols());
00424         SizeMismatch<R, Size>::test(m.num_rows(), my_evectors.num_rows());
00425         Internal::ComputeSymEigen<Size>::compute(m, my_evectors, my_evalues);
00426     }
00428     /// Calculate result of multiplying the (pseudo-)inverse of M by a vector.
00429     /// For a vector \f$b\f$, this calculates \f$M^{\dagger}b\f$ by back substitution
00430     /// (i.e. without explictly calculating the (pseudo-)inverse).
00431     /// See the SVD detailed description for a description of condition variables.
00432     template <int S, typename P, typename B>
00433     Vector<Size, Precision> backsub(const Vector<S,P,B>& rhs) const {
00434         return (my_evectors.T() * diagmult(get_inv_diag(Internal::symeigen_condition_no),(my_evectors * rhs)));
00435     }
00437     /// Calculate result of multiplying the (pseudo-)inverse of M by another matrix.
00438     /// For a matrix \f$A\f$, this calculates \f$M^{\dagger}A\f$ by back substitution
00439     /// (i.e. without explictly calculating the (pseudo-)inverse).
00440     /// See the SVD detailed description for a description of condition variables.
00441     template <int R, int C, typename P, typename B>
00442     Matrix<Size,C, Precision> backsub(const Matrix<R,C,P,B>& rhs) const {
00443         return (my_evectors.T() * diagmult(get_inv_diag(Internal::symeigen_condition_no),(my_evectors * rhs)));
00444     }
00446     /// Calculate (pseudo-)inverse of the matrix. This is not usually needed:
00447     /// if you need the inverse just to multiply it by a matrix or a vector, use
00448     /// one of the backsub() functions, which will be faster.
00449     /// See the SVD detailed description for a description of the pseudo-inverse
00450     /// and condition variables.
00451     Matrix<Size, Size, Precision> get_pinv(const double condition=Internal::symeigen_condition_no) const {
00452         return my_evectors.T() * diagmult(get_inv_diag(condition),my_evectors);
00453     }
00455     /// Calculates the reciprocals of the eigenvalues of the matrix.
00456     /// The vector <code>invdiag</code> lists the eigenvalues in order, from
00457     /// the largest (i.e. smallest reciprocal) to the smallest.
00458     /// These are also the diagonal values of the matrix \f$Lambda^{-1}\f$.
00459     /// Any eigenvalues which are too small are set to zero (see the SVD
00460     /// detailed description for a description of the and condition variables).
00461     Vector<Size, Precision> get_inv_diag(const double condition) const {
00462         Precision max_diag = -my_evalues[0] > my_evalues[my_evalues.size()-1] ? -my_evalues[0]:my_evalues[my_evalues.size()-1];
00463         Vector<Size, Precision> invdiag(my_evalues.size());
00464         for(int i=0; i<my_evalues.size(); i++){
00465             if(fabs(my_evalues[i]) * condition > max_diag) {
00466                 invdiag[i] = 1/my_evalues[i];
00467             } else {
00468                 invdiag[i]=0;
00469             }
00470         }
00471         return invdiag;
00472     }
00474     /// Returns the eigenvectors of the matrix.
00475     /// This returns \f$U^T\f$, so that the rows of the matrix are the eigenvectors,
00476     /// which can be extracted using usual Matrix::operator[]() subscript operator.
00477     /// They are returned in order of the size of the corresponding eigenvalue, i.e.
00478     /// the vector with the largest eigenvalue is first.
00479     Matrix<Size,Size,Precision>& get_evectors() {return my_evectors;}
00481     /**\overload
00482     */
00483     const Matrix<Size,Size,Precision>& get_evectors() const {return my_evectors;}
00486     /// Returns the eigenvalues of the matrix.
00487     /// The eigenvalues are listed in order, from the smallest to the largest.
00488     /// These are also the diagonal values of the matrix \f$\Lambda\f$.
00489     Vector<Size, Precision>& get_evalues() {return my_evalues;}
00490     /**\overload
00491     */
00492     const Vector<Size, Precision>& get_evalues() const {return my_evalues;}
00494     /// Is the matrix positive definite?
00495     bool is_posdef() const {
00496         for (int i = 0; i < my_evalues.size(); ++i) {
00497             if (my_evalues[i] <= 0.0)
00498                 return false;
00499         }
00500         return true;
00501     }
00503     /// Is the matrix negative definite?
00504     bool is_negdef() const {
00505         for (int i = 0; i < my_evalues.size(); ++i) {
00506             if (my_evalues[i] >= 0.0)
00507                 return false;
00508         }
00509         return true;
00510     }
00512     /// Get the determinant of the matrix
00513     Precision get_determinant () const {
00514         Precision det = 1.0;
00515         for (int i = 0; i < my_evalues.size(); ++i) {
00516             det *= my_evalues[i];
00517         }
00518         return det;
00519     }
00521     /// Calculate the square root of a matrix which is a matrix M
00522     /// such that M.T*M=A.
00523     Matrix<Size, Size, Precision> get_sqrtm () const {
00524         Vector<Size, Precision> diag_sqrt(my_evalues.size());
00525         // In the future, maybe throw an exception if an
00526         // eigenvalue is negative?
00527         for (int i = 0; i < my_evalues.size(); ++i) {
00528             diag_sqrt[i] = std::sqrt(my_evalues[i]);
00529         }
00530         return my_evectors.T() * diagmult(diag_sqrt, my_evectors);
00531     }
00533     /// Calculate the inverse square root of a matrix which is a
00534     /// matrix M such that M.T*M=A^-1.
00535         ///
00536         /// Any square-rooted eigenvalues which are too small are set
00537         /// to zero (see the SVD detailed description for a
00538         /// description of the condition variables).
00539     Matrix<Size, Size, Precision> get_isqrtm (const double condition=Internal::symeigen_condition_no) const {
00540         Vector<Size, Precision> diag_isqrt(my_evalues.size());
00542         // Because sqrt is a monotonic-preserving transformation,
00543         Precision max_diag = -my_evalues[0] > my_evalues[my_evalues.size()-1] ? (-std::sqrt(my_evalues[0])):(std::sqrt(my_evalues[my_evalues.size()-1]));
00544         // In the future, maybe throw an exception if an
00545         // eigenvalue is negative?
00546         for (int i = 0; i < my_evalues.size(); ++i) {
00547             diag_isqrt[i] = std::sqrt(my_evalues[i]);
00548             if(fabs(diag_isqrt[i]) * condition > max_diag) {
00549                 diag_isqrt[i] = 1/diag_isqrt[i];
00550             } else {
00551                 diag_isqrt[i] = 0;
00552             }
00553         }
00554         return my_evectors.T() * diagmult(diag_isqrt, my_evectors);
00555     }
00557 private:
00558     // eigen vectors laid out row-wise so evectors[i] is the ith evector
00559     Matrix<Size,Size,Precision> my_evectors;
00561     Vector<Size, Precision> my_evalues;
00562 };
00564 }
00566 #endif